"Mr. Baek" is a captivating South Korean webtoon that injects a thrilling dose of action and suspense into the world of organized crime. The story revolves around two twin brothers, Yisoo Baek and Dogeyeong Baek, who have carved out vastly different paths in life.
Yisoo embodies the epitome of a dedicated and skilled agent within the Korean elite special forces, HID (Highly Intelligent Division). Years of rigorous training have honed him into a resourceful and calculated operative, adept at handling high-stakes missions.
Dogeyeong, on the other hand, stands on the opposite side of the law. He wields immense power and influence as the ruthless leader of Taesan, a prominent gang operating in the underbelly of Seoul. Yisoo receives devastating news: he is presumed dead after a mission gone wrong. Grief stricken and desperate for answers, Yisoo makes a life altering decision.
He chooses to take on his brother's identity and infiltrate Taesan from the inside.
The webtoon explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones. The narrative keeps you on the edge of your seat as Yisoo faces constant challenges and near misses, his past life blurring with the brutal reality of his new role.
"Mr. Baek" is a must read for those who enjoy action packed thrillers with a captivating mystery at its core. It offers a glimpse into the dark world of organized crime and the sacrifices people must make to uncover the truth.
Other internet users say:
"It is a great webtoon, just lacking in depth"
"I like the art style and the action, but the plot is a bit bland"
"meh its a good read for just the lols but its not the best"
I do agree on that factor that the plotline can be a bit plain, it has a good premise yet this premise is not properly expanded upon, making it seem a little flat. Overall, this is a good manhwa, but has a very niche audience. I would rate this a 6.5/10, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it as it has a cult like following and you may find yourself enjoying it.