"Unordinary" is a captivating South Korean webtoon that is based on a society where people have extraordinary abilities. In this world, individuals are classed based on the level and type of power they possess, creating a stark hierarchy with significant privileges for the most powerful. The story follows John, a seemingly ordinary high school student who stands out for one glaring reason, he lacks any discernible ability. Navigating a world where strength dictates social standing, John finds himself an outcast and underestimated.
Despite the odds stacked against him, John harbours a burning desire for a more equitable society. As the narrative unfolds, a series of events throws John into the heart of the power struggle within his school. Witness him grapple with the complexities of this hierarchical system and the challenges of defying the established order.
"Unordinary" offers more than just thrilling action sequences. It explores social inequality, the struggle for fairness, and the importance of challenging the status quo, if not us, then who? The webtoon delves into the emotional burden of John's powerlessness and his determination to carve his own path in this world of superheroes.
The artwork in "Unordinary" is clean and engaging. The character designs are distinct, and the action sequences are well-executed, making for a visually satisfying reading experience. It is made be like a western superhero comic with a Korean twist, that I love. I found the webtoon extremely engaging and the action scenes felt great, although I do believe it is a slow burn so to say. However, this is a thing that is present in almost all superhero comics and so it is hard to avoid that even if this may be a webtoon.
Here is what other internet users had to say:
"I don't like the pacing, but the characters have really good moments"
"The pacing is a double-edged sword"
"The world building sucks"
Now the part of the world building, I do somewhat agree with, however, it is done well to some part too. In the end, I honestly believe it is up to the person, how important is that aspect to you? For me, the characters make up the world, so I believe the world building is okay, not great, but it doesn't 'suck' so to say.
Overall, whether you're drawn to action-packed adventures or stories that explore deeper themes, "Unordinary" has something to offer. This webtoon leaves a lasting impression on new readers and those interested in the superhero niche. This is a 7/10!